• 道路运河平行

    The road and the canal are parallel to each other.


  • 道路运河平行

    The road and the canal run parallel to each other.


  • 雷姆森大街蒙塔古大街平行的。

    Remsen Street is parallel with Montague Street.


  • 如果玻璃保持足够温度就会熔化的流动直到顶部表面变得平整水平底部表面完全平行

    If the glass were kept hot enough, it would flow over the molten tin until the top surface was also flat, horizontal and perfectly parallel to the bottom surface.


  • 美国工艺损害似乎制造业就业急剧下滑保持平行

    The damage to American craftsmanship seems to parallel the steep slide in manufacturing employment.


  • 格式塔学派心理学家认为,物体平行过程中被识别整体的:在一个单一操作中,内部表征视网膜图像匹配

    Psychologists of the Gestalt school maintain that objects are recognized as wholes in a parallel procedure: the internal representation is matched with the retinal image in a single operation.


  • 这个城市条铁路条公路平行

    A railway and a highway run parallel in this city.


  • 然而正如名称所提示的,本身传播材料表面平行移动不是穿透传播材料。

    However, as its name suggests, it runs parallel to the surface of the material that is propagating it, rather than penetrating this material.


  • 西方癌症病例上升工厂农业的上升使用含有植物油食品添加剂加工食品的上升相平行的。

    The rise in cancer in the West has paralleled the rise in factory farming and the use of processed foods containing vegetable oils and additives.


  • 垫子或者毯子放置的墙壁平行不要着或者随便放,待大头朝之后才更容易找到方向感。

    Arranging your padding parallel to a wall rather than diagonally or haphazardly will help you Orient yourself once you're upside down.


  • 火车线路平行一条新建高速公路四分之三也是的;

    Parallel to that train line, there is a also a new highway that looked three-quarters empty.


  • 意味着加速度平行

    So, that means the acceleration is parallel to the position.


  • 立于练习一侧,凳一侧的支撑于凳。背部地面平行(颈部条直线),一侧手手持哑铃,手臂垂直悬于体侧。

    Stand side-on to a bench with your closest hand and knee on the bench, back parallel to the floor (neck in line) and a dumbbell in your other hand, arm hanging straight down.


  • 印欧语系东亚国家语言结构进行比较发现语言上的重大差异某种程度上思想的差异是平行存在的。

    He also examines the comparative structure of Indo-European languages and East Asian languages, finding important differences which to some extent parallel differences in thought processes.


  • 阿肯色州白金水晶独特的编程而成为平行宇宙反物质天使界界面

    The Platinum Crystal in Arkansas is uniquely programmed to interface with Parallel Universes and the Angelic Ream of anti-matter.


  • 引起人们更多好奇心的是,正如德萨尔乐研究小组发现的一样,这些简单动物属于这样一类有机体,它们那些后来演变人类的生物体是平行进化的。

    More intriguingly, these simple creatures belong to a group of organisms that, as DeSalle's team discovered, evolved in parallel to those that later developed into humans.


  • 合并方案倒转通常经典平行开发三方合并模式相关联操作

    This merge scenario is the reverse of the operation usually associated with the classic parallel development three-way merge pattern.


  • 提起胸膛直到上身地面平行双手内侧用力压向地面保持平衡

    Lift your chest until your torso is parallel to the floor, pressing strongly down through your inner hands to help maintain this position.


  • 隧道可能街道平行的,或者可能通到矿顶。

    The tunnel may parallel the street, or it may dive toward the vault.


  • 事实上,给定的向量法向量相互平行的。

    In fact, our vector field and our normal vector are parallel to each other.


  • 然而平行的是这些外界参者应当担负第二责任

    In parallel with this, however, a second duty falls on those outsiders.


  • 这样解释还有一个问题我们醉酒以后进入那种清醒状态平行的精神状态并不一定是相同的。

    The problem with the expectations explanation is that we're not reliably shifted into the same parallel state of consciousness.


  • 抛物面一种坐标轴平行的抛物截面垂直椭圆截面的平面。

    A surface having parabolic sections parallel to a single coordinate axis and elliptic sections perpendicular to that axis.


  • 吃饱饭后银器恰当摆放他们摆成平行盘子交叉把手朝着右边

    When you're done with your meal, the proper placement of the silverware is to lay them parallel to each other and across the plate with the handles facing the right.


  • 此外桨叶平面支柱平行

    In addition, the plane of the blades is parallel to the pole.


  • 常见例子墙壁垂直电视屏幕相互平行同样天花板则桌子衣柜上面平行

    Classic examples are the vertical edges of walls running in alignment with the sides of television screens and the edges of ceilings being parallel to those of table tops and cabinets.


  • 因为高度层上风力非常强劲风向平行形成一条条沿高压系统流向“云”。

    Because the winds at that level are pretty strong, the clouds aligned parallel to the direction of wind flow, in “streetscurving along with the flow of the high-pressure system.


  • 创建查看控制器控制器编辑平行,用于显示愿望列表然后将编辑器访问限制一个特定用户

    Create a viewer controller, parallel to the editor that displays the wish list, and then restrict editor access to one specific user.


  • 这是比较微妙,可以找出所有平面平行直线方向

    So, at some point we saw other subtle things about how to find the direction of this line that's parallel to all the planes.


  • 这是比较微妙,可以找出所有平面平行直线方向

    So, at some point we saw other subtle things about how to find the direction of this line that's parallel to all the planes.


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